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New to Cormorant Lutheran?

Wherever you’ve come from or wherever you are going in life, we believe our God wants to be a part of that journey!


Life at Cormorant Lutheran Church is remembering we are created and gifted by God, forgiven and restored through Jesus Christ, and equipped to live compassionately and purposefully as Christ’s representatives.


We invite you to join us in worship and experiencing Christ’s love and leading. We invite you to join us in using the gifts God has given to you to make our community and world more like the one God is partial to.


Cormorant Lutheran is located at 14314 County Highway 4, Lake Park (3 miles west of Cormorant Village, or a mile west of the intersection with Highway 5).  The map below should help you find us or you can always contact us at 218-532-2694 or


















Come as you are to worship at Cormorant Lutheran.  Each week we gather to hear God's Word, praise God in song and prayer, and – on first and third Sundays – gather at the Lord's Table. Regular, joyful worship is essential in developing a close relationship to our Lord and being equipped for life! Click here for a list of our traditional and contemporary worship times.


Dress is casual…and a children’s message is included in each worship experience.  During the school year, Sunday School meets between services and begins in the Gallery.


Check the church calendar on the homepage for special worship times at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and during the Lenten Season.

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